
Class Summary
HistogramFrame This class is defined to display the statistics or the histogram in a JFrame.
ImageGridLayout A class defines an grid layout for an
ImageViewerOpImage A wrapper class to generate the result image of the processing chain for window/leveling, rotation and scaling.
ImageViewerState The event processing center for this application.
IVDicomOpImage A wrapper class to generate the result image of the processing chain for window/leveling, rotation and scaling.
IVImagePane A pane to contian an RenderedImagei for display.
IVPropertyChangeSupport This is a delegation class for the property change support.
MultipleImagePane This class defines a JPanel which contains the current displayed images (each image is placed in a separate
Date: 15-Jul-2002
TestImagePaneApp The main entrance of the Medical Image Application for JAI 1.1.
UtilityMenuPane This class defines the utility menu of this medical image application.